Stanford/VA Palo Alto Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
Fellowship Program

The Stanford Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowship Program is an ACGME accredited one-year program providing training and exposure to inpatient and outpatient care, didactic education and clinical research provided in an interdisciplinary setting.  The training is progressive in nature, initially with a guided milieu to an independent mode for completing skilled clinical responsibilities. The fellow will have the opportunity to become familiar with current medical management, research trends, and significant relevant literature relating to acute and chronic SCI/D at both VA and community hospitals including Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC), and Stanford. Two months are spent as a mixed rotation tailored to the unique interest of the fellow.  Individualized research will be arranged in consultation with the research director. The fellow will meet regularly with a physician preceptor or faculty member for each area (inpatient, outpatient, research). By the end of the program, the fellow should have a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of acute and chronic SCI/D and various SCI/D syndromes. The fellow will have the ability to evaluate and diagnose all related conditions and complications and will gain proficiency in a spectrum of treatment modalities.  The goal of the fellowship program is to prepare the fellow to be a skilled clinician and a leader in the SCI/D community.

Fellowship Coordinator

Michelle Trinh


P: (650) 493-5000  - choose option 1, choose option 1 again, then enter extension 66449


EP22 – The Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowship (SCIMF) October, 2023

Two insider perspectives on the Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowship (SCIMF) that leads to the boarded “SCI docs”. Dr. Doug Ota, a Program Director, gives an overview and history of the SCIMF while Dr. Marla Petriello, a recent SCIM Fellow, shares her recent experience with undergoing the fellowship as an early career physiatrist.